
Showing posts from September, 2022

Our Favorite Herbal Blogs, Podcasts & YouTube Channels

I cover herbalism, gardening, food preparation/preservation and anything else on which I feel the need to expound. Mulher Verde is a herbal blog made by a Brazilian witch who calls herself Green Womyn. Medical herbalist, with over thirty years clinical experience. My blogs mainly cover medical conditions and their treatment using herbal medicine. Honey is extremely moisturizing, due to its hygroscopic property, the ability to draw water to itself from the air. Honey is also antibacterial and can aid in wound healing. I find 2 cups to every 1 1/2 gallon of water effective. Recommended usage rate is 1/2 to 1 cup per basin of soaking water. I used to do it regularly, and began to notice that instead of less calloused feet, it seemed like they were worse than ever. Sleep is another important factor that contributes to our overall health and wellness. Not getting enough rest can lead to increased stress levels and overall lower energy. If you’re having trouble sleeping, an herbalist c